I am The Mind

Do you really know who I am? Do you know that the brain & I are two separate entities? Do you know that 24/7 your life is governed by me, me & me alone? Do you know that once you master me, you will be able to exactly know what is going on in another's mind, & why they are doing what they are? If you had known this, then why would you & everyone else have had to toil round the clock to achieve joy & success? Although human intelligence has evolved with every passing epoch, still the struggle to survive & achieve success continues to be the same. According to the author of 'I am the Mind', Mr. Deep Trivedi, a pioneer in spiritual psychodynamics & a renowned author & speaker, every human being is destined to achieve 'Joy & Success', but they inevitably fail to achieve the same.

Their ignorance or lack of awareness of the functioning of the mind or the psychology behind it, leads them to falter & commit mistakes or blunders at times, which proves detrimental to their lives. So what is the remedy? Only one; 'Understand your Mind', says Mr. Deep Trivedi. Through this book, Deep Trivedi provides you with not just the answers pertaining to all the facets of life - family, business, career, etc. but also the wisdom to lead your day-to-day life. Mr. Deep states that once you become the master of your mind, you will gain acute insight into others' minds & thus will be able to know the frame of mind they are in & know exactly what thoughts propels them to do what they are doing, or the reason why they are doing, whatever they are doing. Such simple yet profound understanding will give you an edge over others in this competitive world, as this is the vital key to success. Mr. Deep Trivedi has interspersed the psychological content with 23 contextual short stories & anecdotes, which makes reading an enjoyable experience for all age groups. Success & happiness is your birthright. Don't you want to achieve it? This book is available in 12 regional and international languages including English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati.


Life Changing book!!!! Must read!!!!

Great book with amazing understanding of the human behaviour. Every problem of your life will surely resolve after reading and applying the methods discussed in it. I prefer to watch his lecture on different states of mind before reading this, which can be found on YouTube. Love this book very much!

Must read...!

Was very eager to share my review about this book.. I was looking for gathering more knowledgeable stuff on mind functioning and then I got this one on the same. After reading this book, I have no more eagerness left to read more about mind as it is proved to be the best explainable book for fulfiling that purpose.. Author's language is absolutely tremendous and one can easily indulge oneself in reading this book. So for me this is the complete package on revealing the mystery of Mind..! One must read this book.. Highly recommended..!

The real key to success

This Book is like "someone talking to you." You never feel her bored.....once you started than you will not stop......it's addictive.......and knowledge is just on the other level........this book will challenge your thoughts and mindset.....if you will follow this Book completely....than definitely you will got successful.