I am Krishna
‘I am Krishna’ is the first voluminous chronological account of Krishna’s entire life, right from his birth to his death in one continuous gripping story which chronicles the transformation of Krishna from a cowherd boy to the King of Dwarka. Well – researched and integrated from multiple ancient texts and scriptures, this is a detailed account of Krishna’s life which is embellished with Krishna’s thoughts and his psychology at various significant points and explains how he evolved with each incident to become great as we know him today. This book highlights the many facets of Krishna’s personality as an artist, a politician, a businessman, a psychologist, a lover, a visionary and a spiritual guru and explains how he was able to master all fields in a single life.
Most significantly, this book is a must read for every individual as it creates a psychological impact on the mind of the reader thereby leading him towards his own journey of evolvement. This book is available in English, Hindi and Gujarati.